Microwaved gummy bear goo |
Our last day had come too soon, and we were coming up with some strange things to do. Including, melting the gummy bears that we started out our trip with. We had an hour to kill so we threw them in the microwave and this is what happened. It tasted like pure sugary goodness, but the sustenance (or consistency) didn't last long, so we had to improvise even further!
"Mistake scones" |
As you all may have learned we both like to bake, so we located the baking supplies, threw together flour, milk, CREAM, cinnamon, egg, vanilla and butter to make something worth eating. On top we also threw on some chocolate covered almonds and coffee beans, mmmm! We put it in the oven for an unspecified amount of time and took it out to reveal a mistake masterpiece! We cut it up, took a fearless bite and discovered something amazing: we had made SCONES! With that floury texture we had the exact idea of what we were eating, and made quick use of them :)
Pimm's rum and lemonade |
We made another run to the newsagents to try some more unique alcohol. Pimm's is a huge brand over there, and we saw advertisements everywhere. So we wanted to try some with with lemonade, cause what doesn't taste good with lemonade. It tasted great! When it's nice and cold you can barely taste the alcohol, which makes it a refreshing summer drink.
Bulmers black cherry cider |
Next on the alcohol list was yet another cider! Black cherry is an excellent flavor for anything, and we hadn't been disappointed with a cider yet, so we got this one. When cold, it is a little alcohol flavored (as it should, duh), but I tasted a hint of wine with this one. Not too much like a traditional cider, but refreshing nevertheless.
Our last full english |
It was our final morning :( and we had a flight to catch around noon. So, we headed to Heathrow in the morning to be able to sit down and have our final full english breakfast! We found a cafe (terminal 4, past security) that served a full english, however they called it something like the grande breakfast, but we knew exactly what they meant ;) It was fully fitted with mushroom, baked beans, two eggs, rasher bacon, two sausage and toast. I was a little down to know that they didn't have fry bread, but I couldn't care less considering how freaking hungry we both were! The breakfast didn't disappoint, and with a cup of tea we felt fully english before getting back to the States. The sausage was without a doubt something that I would miss. We have sausage in America of course, but not the same in the slightest. I can't even say how, it just was. We scarfed down the breakfast and found our terminal. Sadly, America-bound :/
Airplane chicken curry |
We got on our first flight, and being transatlantic we were served dinner. We were awfully surprised to find something as good as what we did: chicken curry! On an airplane you can never be certain what kind of stuff you are being served, but we were shocked at the flavor! It tasted like something you could get at a low-budget thai place. We were actually very happy to find thai food in our stomachs once again!
Next post, back home, adieu England! And a big thank you to all of Hannah's family for letting us stay with them during the trip, it was great getting to know them all! :)
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