Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Beautiful Colonial Williamsburg

On our way back to home base we stopped by Colonial Williamsburg.  I had been looking at the College of William and Mary and we wanted to check out the town.  It was beautiful and it had a bunch of cute little stores for shopping and souvenirs, we even found a peanut store that was giving out a multitude of peanut samples!!  I love this town and if I had the means, and had not have chosen Cal Poly, then I probably would have gone here.  If only I had looked into east coast schools... Anyway, enough of my personal thoughts.   We stopped for lunch at a restaurant called Trellis.  It looked really fancy from the outside but in reality it was actually pretty cheap.  I ordered a fruit salad that came with a citrus-like sorbet.  Tyler had a mozzarella, tomato and basil sandwich.  Tyler also ordered a nice cold mug of root beer.  It was perfect for the heat!

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