Saturday, June 7, 2014

Return to SLO. Old Places, New food

For memorial day weekend (being a four day holiday in the military), I was able to get a trip approved for me to go up to San Luis Obispo to see Hannah!  I was really excited for the weekend and It didn't dissapoint. It gave my gorgeous Hannah and I some more time together and myself and her a well deserved break from the norm.  I love seeing her be my tour guide around her new stomping grounds :)  SLO is without a doubt one of my favorite places to explore many styles of food (and some good shopping!).  For anyone with a taste for California travel, promote this town to #1 on your bucket list.  With only about a 15 minute drive to the ocean there's something for everyone to do ( AND EAT).
F. Scott Fitzgerald
 Hannah frequents this place more often than I do of course, but since i was in town i had it in my mind to go back to the Kreuzberg cafe.  In November Hannah and I had breakfast here and it was such a treat.  Not in an expensive way, but in a quality way.  Being from Seattle there are a lot of cozy-cafe kind of places around so this place hits home for me.  The people obviously care about what they're making here, and their homemade kombucha tea on tap is a good example of that.  Iv'e already scolded myself for not ordering it yet, but someday!! I ordered the F. Scott Fitzgerald sandwich for lunch, which had chicken, goats cheese, caramelized pears, and shallots.  And who could resist sweet potatoes fries on the side (:  I love goats cheese and I think that's what really tied the flavors of this sandwich together, the sweetness of the pears too made a great addition to this rich and complex flavor package.  Great lunch! 

Sauerkraut soup w/ toasted bread
 Being vegan Hannah has to be a little more careful with what she orders.  I have absolutely nothing bad to say about that. Iv'e lived the vegan life briefly before and I have a lot of respect for it, and I promise myself and Hannah that someday I'll return to it for good!  Obviously that's not very possible for me to do in the military, so I have to put it on hold for now!  Hannah has always had a love for sauerkraut, a love which i can't seem to grasp.  I can't eat it as easily as she can :)  but that's just me!  The soup of the day being their homemade sauerkraut soup i could tell exactly what she was getting!  She had me try it and i have to say i did enjoy it!  It had a nice tangy flavor to it that went well with the other vegetables in the mix.  The bread made a nice compliment to at all as well.  It had the obvious flavor and aroma of being freshly made, which I always appreciate!  After having real fresh baked bread in Germany I always find this a pleasing change.
Faces of content!
This trip is far from over!  More coming!

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