Another day another adventure! The Madonna Inn is a famous locale for all of San Luis Obispo County, and having known that Hannah has been a handful of times and told me such great things about it, it was high time she took me there! It was a rather long hike to the place from where we were staying, but well worth it in the end! Breakfast is the best meal of the day (in my humble opinion), so what better time than in the morning! We took our seats and I was stunned by the decor of the place. It took on the appearance of a old Swiss mountain inn (not that I've ever seen one). But really a cool place and Hannah and I got a great seat inside a private booth. Hannah ordered classic take on a fruity breakfast! It was a fruit bowl in a delicious syrup that included everything from raspberries to grapes. It of course came with toast, fresh from the bakery as you all know i adore so much.
I was impressed at the deliciousness of their array of preserves also! very spreadable and full of flavor. However, what I at first thought was syrup turned out to be honey! A big no no for vegans...sorry hun
I took a pretty standard approach on the American breakfast. Two eggs over hard, bacon, has browns, and biscuits. An all time favorite of mine, nothing particularly different, it was sure awesome though! the star of my breakfast was the biscuits. They were so flaky and buttery and soft (not in a pilsbury kind of way though). A great addition to this breakfast feast!
Mystical urinal |
The Madonna Inn is not only obviously a restaurant, but a grand hotel and resort! After our meal we took our own little tour. We went downstairs to their wine cellar and gift shop where I found my personal favorite part of the place: THE URINAL. I took a panorama shot of the bathroom downstairs, and at first glance you wouldn't tell that there's really a urinal in the place. BUT WAIT. WHAT'S THAT BIG CAVE/FIREPLACE THING? DO I PEE IN THAT? Yes you do! That big thing is the cool urinal in this bathroom! I have to honest though, I did not use it, because I was having a great inner debate over where the floor ended and the urinal began, and I was also contemplating the awkwardness that would ensue If someone was to join me in this "free spirited" commode.
Stealing my phone during my beach nap.. What a beauty she is |
Ocean view |
I hadn't seen the ocean in far too long, and luckily Hannah's friend was able to present us with a great idea for the day! The beach! So, Hannah, myself, and a couple of her friends hopped in a car and went to the beach! It was so great to bask in the sun for a few hours! Even if it meant a sunburn for another week.. I missed seeing the California ocean for as long as i went without it, and it was a beautiful day and a good change of pace.
Fresno Fig Burger |
Beet Burger |
On to these bad boys, found at Eureka, in downtown SLO. For dinner we had wanted to go here for a few days before! And we finally went! This is one of those places where i really wish i was 21 for. Their selection of brews on tap was incredible, and i want to say they boasted over 50 beers on tap! WOAH! the atmosphere here was great, everyone was having a great time and the bar was PACKED. Not that we worry about that.. every night there seems to be a wait even for two people to get in...BUT ITS WORTH IT! The burgers we ordered (which is another thing they like to boast about) were absolutely superb. I got the Fresno Fig burger, which attracted me mainly because of the mass amounts of goat cheese! I can't get enough of that stuff and the actual meat of the burger was something else on a scale of awesome. All natural vegetarian fed beef really makes a difference. Hannah got a beet burger! Which is something i'd never heard of and was also equal in it's taste and quality! the beet patty seriously emulated a beef patty and also was able to go into some grounds that beef isnt really able to go to. The spices and flavor involved in the beet brought out the flavor so much, it was great really! The FRIES. This was a great thing because i originally ordered their sweet potato fries doused in honey and cinnamon, however they goofed on my order and gave me regular ones instead, so naturally i told the waiter...and they brought me a whole seperate plate of the sweet potato fries >:) woah again. the fries were almost like dessert to the whole meal, and of course we ate ALL OF THEM!! So filling... i'm getting full just reminiscing..